12 May 2009

Beka Cooper: Legend of Beka Cooper by Tamora Pierce

Legend of Beka Cooper (Tortal Series #5)
1. Terrier
2. Bloodhound
3. Mastiff
Strength Rating: 5
Recommend: 5
*The Beka Cooper books are a change from the other Tamora Pierce books that take place in Tortall. They take place hundreds of years before the other series.
Rebakah Cooper, George Cooper's six-times grandmother, is a Provost's Guard, known as Provost's Dogs. She is the first in her family to join the Dogs. In the beginning of the book she has just graduated from her training to become a puppy to veteran Dogs.
Beka has chosen to work in the Lower City, a place she grew up in until she was eight. A place most would be afraid to work. Luckily for her she is assigined to the two best Dogs in the district - Mattes Tunstall and Clara Goodwin.

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